Monday, April 24, 2006

Rhododendron Mrs GW Leak

Rhododendron Mrs GW Leak
Originally uploaded by skysmiler.

This Rhodie is over 50 years old. It is about 20 feet high by 20'spread. Awesome!

Azara lanceolata Lanceleaf Azara

Azara lanceolata Lanceleaf Azara
Originally uploaded by skysmiler.

Check out the ancillary leaves in the center of the twig. A complicated leaf stucture and unual.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Saturday April 22 Earth Day
Sunny Clear and a Million Light Breezes High 57 degrees.
Nice in the sun.
Planted and weeded and pruned at Fox Island United Church of Christ
Planted Lonicera nitida 'Braggesen's Gold' and Rosa odorata 'Mutabilis' along the front of the educational building. I recieved these plants free from the college greenhouse end of the year give away to poor students. This was an unpublished give away, and as luck would have it I was there that day. I got a lot of stuff too. Thats what they call me ole lucky Claire. Anyway all this stuff was pretty small but they will grow. Things wanna live.