United Way Day of Caring
South Seattle Community College
Arboretum Cohort Volunteer
Day of Caring
If you want to be blessed with all the good things in life, learn to silently bless everyone with all the good things in life. THE LAW OF GIVING FROM The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, by Deepak Chopra
Oh my, getting up to take care of 'business' at all hours of the night is a real nightmare. Especially in the chilly PNW. I have to put on my fleece jacket and slip on my clogs. Then I have to leash him up so I can take him over to the area by the fence that is covered in wood chips. Before going out we ring the bells. We have big sleigh bells hanging by the door , we try to get Scup to ring them too and then we say "outside get through".
So, then I go over to the fence and repeat the phrase 'outside,get through hurry'. I change my tone to sound more urgent and I repeat "hurry hurry hurry, get through"I accompany this phrase with a hand signal. The hand signal is performed by pointing the index finger to the ground and making a circular swirling motion. This training has paid off, because today I took him out while on the phone. Rather that have my caller hear me giving the command 'get through, hurry" I just made the swirling motion and Scupper good boy went on command!! Yippee.