Thursday, February 03, 2005

New York

Ashley( the dear) is on her way to New York to see the "Relies" and have a good time. Please show her a good a time as you can. While you are having fun please don't forget me. Please get me some black and white cookies. But my favorite are those date pastries that sell in all the tiny markets around the city. Please get me some of those for Sunday feast fests!!!! Thank you!
I wanna say hello to Aunt Donna and Uncle Tom and Jojo and Lynne and Gramma Eileen. Hey!! Come back and see us. I wanna take Aunt Donna back to the Fox Island spit and get some cool rocks.
If you get to Manhatten and see Sessybeth, go to the Hungarian coffee shop and have some of the famous coffee and pastry there,
and don't stay up to0 late.
Have fun with Ashley. She likes photo's, coffee and ciggies (take those away from her)
Show her some of your old photo's to distact her while you steal the ciggies, remind her that nobody smokes anymore. (ok sorry for the little "wicked" nagster that I am)

I am working and working out. Please join me in my fit for life quest.
But you must post result here!!!
Go Ya'll Go!
Buh Byye!!!

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